Getting Started # back to top
CDN Link for library :
How to install # back to top
• How to integrate library on any web page.
1. Add the library before any other code. Make sure to include your activation key.
2. Define the intents and initialize the library.
//Define the Intents
let intents = [
name: "HelloWorldIntent",
phrases: ["hello", "say hello", "say hello world"],
name: "AboutIntent",
phrases: ["what this is about", "about", "say about", "what is this"],
type: "speak",
name: "ClickIntent",
phrases: ["click on", "click", "go to"],
type: "action",
name: "ArticleIntent",
phrases: ["what are the stories", "stories", "articles"],
//Intialize the Active Intent with the intents
new window.ActiveIntent.default(intents);
How to use # back to top
• Manage Intents
Create a list of intents with different expected phrases which user may use as voice command.
There are two types on intents,
1. Speak – with this type of intent, user can make specific content speak able when the intent matches with the intent specified in HTML content tag. 2. Action – with this type of intent, user can navigate to different pages of the application using voice enabled commands.
2. Action – with this type of intent, user can navigate to different pages of the application using voice enabled commands.
Here’s the sample of intents data written in json format.
//Define the Intents
let intents = [
name: "HelloWorldIntent",
phrases: ["hello", "say hello", "say hello world"],
name: "AboutIntent",
phrases: ["what this is about", "about", "say about", "what is this"],
type: "speak",
name: "ClickIntent",
phrases: ["click on", "click", "go to"],
type: "action",
name: "ArticleIntent",
phrases: ["what are the stories", "stories", "articles"],
//Intialize the Active Intent with the intents
new window.ActiveIntent.default(intents);
• To make content voice enabled, add magic=”speakable” property in respective tag.
<p magic="speakable">
Like most entrepreneurs, I struggled through my first year of building business.
After adding the property, this is how it’ll look on the webpage.
Like most
• To make content clickable through voice commands, add og-intent='ClickIntent' property in respective link tag.
<a href="/products.html" og-intent="ClickIntent"> Products </a>
<a href="/devices.html" og-intent="ClickIntent"> Devices </a>
For the click intent, phrases can be modified in intents.json
name: "ClickIntent",
phrases: ["click on", "click", "go to"],
type: "action",
• To make the website respond to certain phrases define the intent with the expected phrases and link the content with the intent with “og-intent” property.
name: "AboutIntent",
phrases: ["what this is about", "about", "say about", "what is this"],
type: "speak",
<div og-intent="AboutIntent" hidden>This is voice enabled website.</div>